It was with a little apprehension that we welcomed Rocky onto the farm. He is a five year old black Labrador who has been living in Joburg, but his mom was moving and he needed a place to stay. After a calm trip down, watching the world go by from the back seat, he was soon settled in on his bed by the lounge door. Then he had his first taste of farm life, seemingly unphased by roaming roosters, growled a little at the horses (probably never seen such a big dog and wondered what we feed them….) met Molly and Sprocket then encountered Humphrey! Well, the ‘boss’ is a little put out that he has met his match and that there is one animal on the farm that is not afraid of him! (One very squiff nose at present…)

Holiday… an extended period of leisure and recreation. Young Mum Laura, recently commented ‘ best rest I’ve had since becoming a mom!’ That is the beauty of Wyndford – time to do the important things like spending quality family time and know that supper will still be on the table. Not getting up to make early morning tea (although I trained by husband very early on..) or breakfast – and no cleaning up! Just turn up when the gong sounds for something scrumptious… If it sounds appealing, book now for Mother’s Day in May – that way the whole family shares the gift!
This picture is of the snow last year in May! What with all the rain we have had lately, and misty mornings currently, we are hoping for some good snow in the area and mountains this year. Remember that we have a bumper special offer of 20% discount for four nights or longer over May, June and July so get in early so as not to be disappointed when the white stuff makes its appearance – and if it doesn’t - we’ll still treat you to roaring log fires and hot chocolate evenings!

Book directly on our website at or give us a call and we will do all the work for you.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram on wyndfordholidayfarm
Sending you warm Greetings from us all at Wyndford

A little indignant!! well ok... a lot indignant!
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