Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Amazing October Specials!!

Amazing offer:
All bookings between the 9 – 14 October & 16 – 20 October 2011 will receive a 30% discount. Call us now on 058-2230274 or email us at to take advantage of this great special!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How about study time for exams......

Between 18th - 23rd Septemer 2011 all kids under 18 (yes really! under 18yrs)receive a 50% discount! Round up Mom and Dad! Call now....0582230274

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Spring Specials - Call now!

Last minute September specials:
Between 11th - 16th September 2011 all Seniors (over 60!)to get a 50% discount!!
Between 18th - 23rd Septemer 2011 all kids under 18 (yes really! under 18yrs)receive a 50% discount!

All the blossoms are out and the days are wonderfully warm - come and celebrate Spring!

Call now!! 058 223 2074 or email

August news

August has arrived and along with it pruning time. Unfortunately, while we were away the cows all went walkabout, all night… and merrily munched their way through the garden. Everything from the Lodges to the Ark was well and truly chewed. They even nibbled their way along outside Belsteen before they were discovered. If it wasn’t bad enough that everything was winter brown it is all now only a few inches high. And here I was worried about the buck!
I have always had trouble remembering the name Helibores so in my head called them Hallelujah plants, they must be sour as they did not get recycled into cream, and hallelujah they are still intact!

Roll on Spring and new growth…. While we are on this subject, a note that The Fouriesburg Spring Fair takes place on the 3rd September 2011. Take a look at website to keep up to date with what is on offer and start planning a weekend break at Wyndford! Our August winner will be decided by the OFM promotion of the fair, so be sure to listen in if you are in the area.

Maybe it is a touch early to think of spring as this photo shows! I switched to garden hose on and forgot to switch it off, and we had a minus 6 morning. I am currently sitting with a broken ankle due to a slide off the running board of the Toyota bakkie (no, I did not have high heels on at the time!)…but the rest of the team is wondering if the head got bumped when the heel got broke!

We enjoyed having the St Martin’s school maths camp here for 5 days, a highlight of which was the challenge to a game of Bowls. Our laundry ladies made a good cheer leading section but the end result was a draw. Roll on next year! Our bowling Green is now closed until the end of September for it’s annual makeover.

Best wishes to all our students who are facing exams of one kind or another in the next little while – there are advantages to getting older!

We wish you all a spectacular Spring - it is certainly beautiful here!Greetings from us all at Wyndford.