Let me introduce you to Stormer.... our new chap in the stables. He is a Maluti look alike, just a whole lot younger! A gentle soul who loves to come up for a cuddle, or an apple. For those of you who prefer something with a little less height - the ducks are skating on thin ice (minus temperatures a couple of times the last few mornings) and the tortoises have taken the snug way out of winter and are hibernating in their specially sculptured holes in the hill (in fact so snug it took three trips up and down to locate them). It always amazes me how they manage to find the best spot that gets the first and last sun of the day!
It has been a busy month with the farm hosting a wedding in the summerhouse gardens, some gardens being relaid and the making of fencing to tidy and secure the sheep and emu pens. Molly and Sprockett continue to flourish and enjoy walks, guests and in Moly's case chasing and barking at anything and everything... and if there is nothing - she makes do with her tail!
We have Seniors special after the June long weekend, where there is a 40% discount for a four night stay from the 19 - 23 June - join us before the school holidays for a relaxing break in our beautiful mountains enjoying winter walks, Snowdrops, Hellibores and cosy fires.
There are still a few rooms available for the June long weekend and a reminder of the July holiday special of a 20% discount for a four night or longer stay. Also coming soon - the Tennis weekend as well as Survival and Outdoor Adventure for kids - give us a call to find out more 0582230274 or email reception@wyndford.co.za
And then, Congratulations go to Lindy Heath on being our monthly draw winner, we look forward to welcoming you to Wyndford for your two night stay for two.
Well, that’s all for now, we wish you warm and happy days and hope to see you soon.
Tel 0582230274 reception@wyndford.co.za

Couldn't resist a recent pictures of the moon rise over the Maluti's - no filters added - beautiful colours just as it was!
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