Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wish for all ‘Wyndford’ Kids….

As you start your school, or varsity year we would give you the ZIP CLIP STEP lesson from us here at Wyndford.
May you always approached anything new with the same courage as you did on the Zip line.. Scary as you sit on the high platform not knowing what it is going to be like!  Letting go, then flying free and…actually enjoying it after all, knowing that George is there to catch you at the other end, and your folks cheering you all the way.

Sometimes new things are scary! When you are short enough to fit under the belly of Maluti or Dusty, it is hard to get up into the saddle.  Then, with a little help from Joseph you are up and clipping off down the road. So taking the first ride is the hardest and one day you will come and ride alone and free.

Then there is the Chin of the Tortoise… how big that mountain seems, when along with Jaco and Dozy you look up!  Remember, the way to get to the top of any mountain is by taking one step at a time.  Don’t worry about how far or high it is, one foot in front of the other is the way to go.  Then you will reach the top and all the things you though were too big actually seem quite small.

Remember… Zip Clip Step!  Have a wonderful year…

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