Monday, October 14, 2013

October News...

Temperatures are expected to head into the thirties today and the 5mm rain we had on Tuesday is already a distant memory.  (It didn’t actually last long enough for us all to go dance in the rain!) It was welcome nevertheless, as we have not had any rain since the 12th April and conditions are very dry and fires in the area have been a problem.  All the trees and roses are proudly showing off their bright new green leaves but at the end of the day look as wilted as we feel. The Banksia’s are flowering but none of the other roses are near blooming yet. The fruit trees seem to have escaped last week’s two frosty mornings and some trees are showing small kernels of fruit already.  The Macadamia tree (ok, stick…) we planted last year has made it through the winter and is now 1m high with three leaves – we live in hope!
We have put some of our old equipment to good use and the retired fertilizer spreader along with the food separator have been reworked as a plant containers which now boast rose creepers. The vegetable garden is already producing spinach and rocket to keep up with the kitchens requirements and the carrots, beetroots and the rest of the “good-for-you’s” are standing proudly in bright rows. The bowling green has been played for the first time this season and was running reasonably well for so early in the season (according to the experts).  We already have 30 folk joining us for the fun bowls tournament at the end of November, so don’t delay in giving the girls in the office a call on 058-223 0274 to book your place.
Dusty is still having training for his misbehaviours and is making good progress (now all we have to do is train the humans…) Ponty and the rest of the gang are all having pedicures today and the dentist has been booked….oh to be a horse! The pigs have popped 6 little piglets and they remain joy inducing as one leans on the paddock gate to watch their antics.  E,M and U did not get the hatching correct and abandoned their eggs.  They weighed in at an impressive 522gm per egg and Jaco got the dubious pleasure of blowing out the eggs so we could keep the shells!  Three bantam babies hatched, one new calf (a delicious toffee colour but a boy – we were hoping for a girl…) and Charlotte has ventured forth, drank two bowls of water straight down and proceeded to shorten the spring flowers – fortunately they have resprung!
We are into Asparagus season in the Eastern Free State and today we are serving a new Asparagus and Pistachio soup and have even convinced non Asparagus and Avo eaters to try our delicious Beer Battered Asparagus with Avo Mayonnaise - who responded with a resounding YUM!  Yum was also the word of choice at the braai where spare ribs were enjoyed with evidence, after which a swim – the first of the season, and only for the brave was enjoy.  Alternatively, a (very brief) nap on the blanket under the willow tree was an option for some or waterspraying the geese much to their enjoyment.

We have enjoyed having many old timers and very frequent guests with us over the last few weeks, and we have celebrated all numbers of birthdays recently from 90 all the way down to Angelique and Celvin’s young Sebastian who turned one this week.  It is one way to work out how old Maluti really is, when guests who rode him as children come back with their children and discover he is still plodding his way to the gate with little people on his back!
Thanks to all those who enter our monthly draw. August’s winner is Rachelle Inocco.
Looking forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford’s beauty in the Springtime!
Warm regards from us all, your Wyndford Team.
Remember to like us on our facebook page on or alternatively on or website at to get more news and pictures!

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