Thursday, November 21, 2013

I think that we should send out newsletters more often….last time we had rain, as I write this it is raining – with very dry and hot conditions in between and absolutely no sign of replenishing showers! Maybe not much fun for holiday makers but an excellent excuse to don wellie boots and splosh in mud puddles.  The peonies have been in full bloom this week and enjoyed by all who passed them on the path. Talking of flowers, remember our Walking with Wildflowers weekend at the end of this month.  Slide in a calming weekend away before the bustle of yearend frenzy. Give the girls in the office a call now 058-2230274.
Someone who does enjoy the mud is the pigs.  Scooting around in the paddock, trying to look innocent when they have mud boots on all fours, rewriting the story books….Pig in Boots!   One also wonders about the piglet, trying to get a drink from mom in the mud puddle….does it taste like chocolate milk? Or why with our new batch of 14 piggies, we consider all the pink ones to be girls….?! We are also pleased to say we have a new calf (not a pink one..) and it’s a girl called…Shakes!
For those of you not getting updates on Facebook, we have to admit that we are never going to get Macadamia nuts from our tree, even though it is flourishing… that is because it’s actually a Pecan tree!  Ah well… pecans are good.  It now has a protective wire around it as Charlotte (our tortoise) decided that its green leaves were good for a snack. Charlotte was obviously a little miffed – she escaped and was found heading down the drive for the main gate.
We are looking forward to hosting our 2nd Fun Bowls week at the end of this month and hope that we have a little more rain so that the running is good and smooth.  A calming thought for all small people, is that Father Christmas knows exactly where our chimney is, having been stuck going back up on a previous year, after eating all the good Wyndford cookies. We have let him know which children will be staying with us over this special time so no worries. (Big children could also try their luck…)
We still have some accommodation available early December and remember until the 12th the 20% discount applies for a four night or longer stay.
Thanks to all those who enter our monthly draw. November’s winner is Mike Sheridan
Looking forward to being able to welcome you to the Eastern Free States’ beauty in the Summertime!
Warm regards from us all, your Wyndford Team.
Remember to like us on our facebook page on alternatively on or website at to get more news and pictures!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Remember to make your reservation for Wild Flowers...

29th November to 1st December now to ensure you do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity to "Walk with Wild Flowers" at Wyndford. Amble through the mountains with experts who will explain and answer questions about all the beautiful flowers we sometimes overlook... 058 223 0274 or email

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chilly weather...

Snow sparkling on the Maluti mountains this morning! If you are joining us for the half term weekend, bring your may get to build a snowman!

Monday, October 14, 2013

October News...

Temperatures are expected to head into the thirties today and the 5mm rain we had on Tuesday is already a distant memory.  (It didn’t actually last long enough for us all to go dance in the rain!) It was welcome nevertheless, as we have not had any rain since the 12th April and conditions are very dry and fires in the area have been a problem.  All the trees and roses are proudly showing off their bright new green leaves but at the end of the day look as wilted as we feel. The Banksia’s are flowering but none of the other roses are near blooming yet. The fruit trees seem to have escaped last week’s two frosty mornings and some trees are showing small kernels of fruit already.  The Macadamia tree (ok, stick…) we planted last year has made it through the winter and is now 1m high with three leaves – we live in hope!
We have put some of our old equipment to good use and the retired fertilizer spreader along with the food separator have been reworked as a plant containers which now boast rose creepers. The vegetable garden is already producing spinach and rocket to keep up with the kitchens requirements and the carrots, beetroots and the rest of the “good-for-you’s” are standing proudly in bright rows. The bowling green has been played for the first time this season and was running reasonably well for so early in the season (according to the experts).  We already have 30 folk joining us for the fun bowls tournament at the end of November, so don’t delay in giving the girls in the office a call on 058-223 0274 to book your place.
Dusty is still having training for his misbehaviours and is making good progress (now all we have to do is train the humans…) Ponty and the rest of the gang are all having pedicures today and the dentist has been booked….oh to be a horse! The pigs have popped 6 little piglets and they remain joy inducing as one leans on the paddock gate to watch their antics.  E,M and U did not get the hatching correct and abandoned their eggs.  They weighed in at an impressive 522gm per egg and Jaco got the dubious pleasure of blowing out the eggs so we could keep the shells!  Three bantam babies hatched, one new calf (a delicious toffee colour but a boy – we were hoping for a girl…) and Charlotte has ventured forth, drank two bowls of water straight down and proceeded to shorten the spring flowers – fortunately they have resprung!
We are into Asparagus season in the Eastern Free State and today we are serving a new Asparagus and Pistachio soup and have even convinced non Asparagus and Avo eaters to try our delicious Beer Battered Asparagus with Avo Mayonnaise - who responded with a resounding YUM!  Yum was also the word of choice at the braai where spare ribs were enjoyed with evidence, after which a swim – the first of the season, and only for the brave was enjoy.  Alternatively, a (very brief) nap on the blanket under the willow tree was an option for some or waterspraying the geese much to their enjoyment.

We have enjoyed having many old timers and very frequent guests with us over the last few weeks, and we have celebrated all numbers of birthdays recently from 90 all the way down to Angelique and Celvin’s young Sebastian who turned one this week.  It is one way to work out how old Maluti really is, when guests who rode him as children come back with their children and discover he is still plodding his way to the gate with little people on his back!
Thanks to all those who enter our monthly draw. August’s winner is Rachelle Inocco.
Looking forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford’s beauty in the Springtime!
Warm regards from us all, your Wyndford Team.
Remember to like us on our facebook page on or alternatively on or website at to get more news and pictures!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Spring Special...

Happy September everyone!
We celebrate with a Spring Special FREE NIGHT! to stay between the 13th & 20th September 2013 ...stay for 4 nights and only pay for 3 nights!
If you can't take advantage of this special, share with someone who maybe could join us....

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August News

Well, it would seem that we are definitely moving closer to Spring.. Charlotte (the tortoise) has moved – about 4m from her previous location – which she has been in for the last three months. The Buntings arrived in their flocks and rose pruning started (ten down, eighty to go!).  Also, the bowling green is now officially closed after waiting completion of the Wyndford / St Martins Maths camp challenge. (Which we won, this year Yay! but,…… they will be back!)
For those of you who have not met the new kid on the block – here is a picture of our baby goat who is now more nimble, less wobbly, enjoying head butting lessons with dad, Yodel and climbing lessons with his mom.  We are eagerly awaiting to see if E, M and U actually managed to hatch their babies.  Nine beautiful blue eggs still under dad, one rolled out this last week and diligently covered with leaves.  We presume that it did not make it?!  
Unfortunately, country life comes with the down sides as it does anywhere.  We had to put Zoey down after her leg was badly broken by a deft kick from Dusty.   Hard to look into her liquid chocolate eyes and say goodbye.   Apparently, a freak occurrence, but sad none the less. Dusty has now been seen by our local horse therapist, with another session next week…

Our July specials were enjoyed by guests who decided to brave the Eastern Free State winter, although there were days when it was so warm the fire in the lounge was not necessary and only lit for cosy ambiance. No snow for the farm this year it would appear, but let’s not speak too soon!
The weekend for the star gazing is full and hopefully will inspire all budding astronomers!   Our fun and relaxed Bowls week which takes place after the Cherry Festival in November is still on the roll and there is still time to join one of the tours from the retirement villages in Johannesburg. Give Angelique or Jenny a call now on 058-2230274 for more information.

As you can see from the picture, Celvin is doing well 4 months on from his accident which saw him with a broken back, and enjoyed playing bowls (under Angelique’s beady eye!). When he ventures to play action cricket we will break into the Hallelujah chorus! (which I enjoyed hearing young Thomas  - 6 years -  singing down the passage when he didn’t know anyone was listening…..!!)
Facebook for those who use it, is a way to keep up with any specials or news from Wyndford.  Here is the link that you can Like to be connected to us  We’re also able to load photographs  which we cannot send out with our newsletter, such as the aerial pictures taken from a helicopter. Let us know if you are receiving our newsletter more than once, we do respect your inbox and try to keep it as simple as possible!

Thanks to all those who enter our monthly draw. August’s winner is Antonella Dixon.
Looking forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford’s  beauty in the Springtime!
Warm regards from us all, your Wyndford Team.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

June Newsletter

We thought we would make this newsletter the sepia edition! 
We are bathed in the winter palette of oranges, browns and golds… and dust.
These pictures were taken on a recent trip to the end of the farm for tea, (no, Maluti does not drink tea, at least not as far as we know…) which incidentally tastes better in the veld, boiled in a billy can and drunk from a tin cup (especially if it’s moms!) The little chap in the back pack had an easy ride with Dad – one day he will want to ride the bike and Dad will wish he was back in the backpack!
I never thought that waking up with temperatures in the minus for the last month, would see me wishing for a cold front?!...but with the possibility of snow that accompanies this, there is always such excitement at the thought of building snowmen and generally behaving like kids – even if you have grey hair.  Charlotte, our tortoise, is still well dug in to the bank and surviving the winter well.  She hisses grudgingly at me every morning when I check on her (possibly muttering under her breath about stupid humans disturbing her hibernation…)
We have a special running from the 22nd July to the 2nd August – stay for 4 and pay for 3 nights or stay for 7 and pay for 5 nights (yes really!) Just imagine putting your feet up, or walking, reading, connecting with family, building a snowman (well – maybe!), being fed and cared for…. If it sounds good give us a call now to book your place – 058-2230274.
At this time of year one can hardly call our bowling green green but bowling brown doesn’t sound right. However, by the time November comes the running will be smooth and green and we have a fun tournament planned.  Arrive on the 24th depart on the 29th November, no whites necessary, no formality, no special abilities required…just a few days of relaxing in the country with likeminded bowlers and perhaps your name on the trophy!
If you are facebookers, like us on or alternatively directly from our website on to be able to share any news and specials with your friends and families.
The Wyndford family have had many comings and goings with the Smith’s meeting up with their kids in Italy, Jenny and Jaco taking leave and Hannes will be relieved to get out of the office (cutting fabric lids and tying bows were not in his male sphere until Wyndford reception).  Celvin is back (!) at work and is already driving so making great progress! (he can even survive the Wyndford church pews for an hour each week….)
Our monthly draw winner for this month is the lucky Kevin Engler!
Don’t forget, get on the phone to take advantage of our wonderful winter woppa!
From all of us on the Wyndford Team, stay well, warm and we hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Free Night Special!

Pay for 3 and stay for 4! any days between the 17 - 23 June 2013. Call us now on 058 223 0274 to take up this wonderful offer.

Monday, May 13, 2013

May news

The warmest member of the Wyndford family at this moment is definitely Barbara.  After all, who wouldn’t enjoy a sheepskin coat when the temperatures in the mornings fall to minus 3°  – so thick at present that just her nose sticks out!  Charlotte, the tortoise has been interesting to watch…after providing her with a very African hut complete with tin roof and stones and infra red light to keep her warm, she decided to dig herself into the side of a bank. Next time we need to renovate the driveway we will use her as a backacter…
Celvin is another member of the Wyndford team in hibernation.  Due to an unfortunate fall, where he broke his back he is now recovering at home after surgery.  We are happy to report that he is up, and good to see him walking with the kids and Angelique down the drive to the church and back.  Definitely no motorbike rides in the near future for him!
Our bowling green is once again heading to be a bowling brown.  Love the different colours we have seen as the seasons change and the yellows melded into oranges, then reds and watching the leaves finally drift off and float down. There is a stark beauty in an unadorned tree, although secretly do confess to being a green person!
We are still planning to have our fun bowls week from the 24th – 29th November 2013. If you can roll, come along and join us!  Jaco has been secretly practising….    Also at the end of the year (hard to believe we are nearly into the sixth month of 2013 already!) from the 29th November to 1st December, we have our Walking with Wild Flowers weekend.  Anyone who was with us last year will remember how fascinating this was, and do not be put off by the ‘walking’ bit – there was so much to see and explore that we didn’t actually have to go that far!
The wild dagga plants in front of the church are in full bloom at present and attract the most beautiful sunbirds -  one needs to multitask in church, looking and listening! Any recommendations (other than biltong!!) to keeping the duiker out of the flower beds will be greatly appreciated.  One suggestion – lion poo – was a little hard to find!  It is frustrating (much as I love him) when he mows all the spring flowers to an even 15 cms….
Angelique is off to Joburg to visit Retirement Villages to promote our trips later in the year – check your notice boards if you are a golden oldie and join us. Alternatively contact us in the office on 058-2230274. If you are facebookers, like us on or alternatively directly from our website on to be able to share any news and specials with your friends and families. (thanks to Helen for taking the lead in this and getting us off to a good start!)
Along with winter comes the thought of June/July school holidays.  Round up friends and families, spend four nights or longer with us and qualify for a 20% discount. Hiking our mountain trails in the cooler climate is both invigorating and spectacular! The next Stargazing weekend planned for the 22nd – 23rd June with the Faltermeiers falls within this period so you can take advantage of the special and gaze heavenwards.
With the change of season the Lesotho Maluti mountains are bathed in pink and purple hues each evening at sundown – great for photography! (They do tell me that sunrises are equally as spectacular but I’m with Garfield on this…)
Our monthly draw winner for this month is Veronica Brink
Looking forward to having you with us shortly!
Warm regards from us all, your Wyndford Team.

Monday, April 8, 2013

March news and April Specials

Wyndford woke up this morning to 8° and snow dusting the Maluti Mountains for the first time this year.  It would appear that summer has said goodbye and winter has shown its face in spectacular fashion.  Bright blue clear skies, fantastic walking weather…although definitely time to put the sandals away and bring out the boots…
The wood pile is stacked ready for cosy evening fires and Charlotte will no doubt be heading for hibernation shortly – pity all the animals don’t take that route…it would mean for cheaper food bills, and possibly ice cream from the cows in spring…I digress!
We are having an Autumn April Special!  Book and pay for 2 nights stay for 3!  Book and pay for 3 nights stay for 4! Book and pay for 4 nights stay for 5…..Book and pay for 5 nights stay for 7! Call us now in the office for availability on 058 223 0274.  Round up the family and friends and escape to the country for a few days.
Our new reading room is open, although not quite complete yet.  A quiet cosy place to sit and read while having great views of the garden with the delicious smell of cappuccinos wafting from the coffee room. There is access now from the reception side through a passage, so the green staircase is not the only entrance.  It was an interesting process which included painting the carpet, cutting down a dead mulberry tree, reworking some dress patterns, music sheets and an old western. (You have to love a man that just raises an eyebrow and nods sagely, when I say “I’ve had an idea”!  Still a work in progress but with under floor heating will surely be a good winter spot- with the added advantage that it overlooks the swings, so parents can oversee the youngsters in comfort.
If you are facebookers, like us on or alternatively directly from our website on to be able to share any news and specials with your friends and families. We have availability on the bus from Howick in May and for all bowlers the November Fun Bowling Competition is still on the cards.

We had a fun Easter with an egg hunt that ended in the bunny cage…where else?! well as playing at the river crossing (no age limit to sailing log races in the water) and the last of the summer braai’s.  Hopefully a good time was had by all, including this little moppet who, we can assure you, did get lunch!                   
Our monthly draw winner for March is Tracey Callister!

Have a great day! Looking forward to hearing from you soon, until then stay well and warm.
The Wyndford Team
P.S. We are updating our database so if you receive this twice please inform us and we will correct this.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ride up from Howick area..

There is still space on the bus if you would like to visit us...
Coming from the Howick area departing 5 May returning the 10th May. Give us a ring on 058 223 0274... share if you know someone in this area who would rather not have the hassle of driving! Looking forward to hearing from you soon...

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Friday...

We have experienced spectacular thunder storms, had 16mm rain and today have beautiful sunny skies - just in time for the weekend!  There is a little space left for the first long weekend and after Easter during the school holidays, so give the girls in the office a call .  We also now have an official facebook page at   We look forward to your visits and keeping you up to date.

Friday, February 22, 2013

February news

Right, February already! Before you know it will be 2020….and someone else will be writing the newsletters!  But time does just seem to fly, even when you aren’t having fun!  So make sure you start planning some holidays!
Today saw us harvesting the pumpkins that magically appeared at the front gate.  So far, 15 very large, very beautiful pumpkins safely (we had visions of them being used as wheels…..) stored in the garden shed. Not a bad crop for not having planted a single one, unlike last year when our specially prepared and planted pumpkin patch yielded less.  Of course the gate is going to be looking a little less interesting now, maybe we should try carrots next time and see if we can increase our dassie population. (Ulterior motive there – they eat snakes, or so I am told).
We have also gathered some of our own figs as well as receiving donations from folk in Fouriesburg, so jam and preserves are the order of the day.  And as our wine and cider skills have not progressed from our initial lessons, we will be jamming with our grapes this year!
Charlotte, our tortoise, has relocated to greener pastures where she is watched over (fanatically!) by her new best friend. She has GT yellow stripes down each side – so that we can find her… and like some VW beetle drivers that I know (the ones who always have frilly bumpers), she drives by feel, as she has almost worn off her first set of stripes. The cats are not so sure of this ‘rock’ that hisses louder than they do….
Thanks to Jaco, we have three additional pigmy goats who have joined Yodel.  What is it about goats that they always have to stand on something? It now looks like a circus in the farmyard with any rock, bucket or hut with a goat balancing on top. Barbara (or Lambie as Cassidy calls her), is still puzzled as to where she left her coat after her recent shearing.

I am busy wall papering the “library-to-be with an old Western paperback & dress patterns (they’re the right colour….) and as is suitable for a reading room, it is as they say in the classics, a work in progress……
Maintenane work has been done on the Church. The front window had moved significantly and the glass was starting to crack. Also the mural was starting to dislodge, so yesterday saw us (for all you interested engineers…) drilling a hole in the main pole and with a threaded bar winching the whole window, which we could see visibly moving, back into place. A few hundred knee bends later the mural was resorted and the only thing wrong…was not having thought to book a massage at the salon!

Celvin and Angelique will be visiting the Howick area to promote our tours, so anyone in that area and keen to visit us get to Amber Valley (10am) or Eagle Ridge estate (11:30am) on Monday the 25th February 2013. You will need a flyer to get into these villages so give us a call if you wish to view our presentation.
fter, all the excitement of recent days with asteroids and meteorites…. Why don’t you plan to join us for a star gazing weekend with Joyce and Robert Faltermeier on the weekend of the 15th to 17th March 2013.  The long weekends in March and April holiday are starting to book up so get in early to avoid disappointment! 
Our winner is Bev Fourie
Have a great day further! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The Wyndford Team

Friday, January 4, 2013

January news

Staff member of the holidays award goes to..... our horses!
Keepers of generations of children’s secrets, dreams and chatter – even the quietest of children seem to find their voices once on the back of a horse. They plod unwavering to the gate and back with shrieking little cowboys and girls, with just a startled tweak of an ear, or a slight rump jiggle but never a hoof wrong. Well done Maluti, Zazu, Buster, Starlight and the rest of the gang!

Of course, for those privileged few to have witnessed George’s spectacular 4x4 driving on the return from tubing down the Caledon River on Christmas afternoon, it was probably a highlight they won’t forget in a hurry! (Move over Father Christmas...) Drenching rain – the only reason we were able to go on the river in the first place, meant that the road was a challenge... and the new Amarok earned its place as a farm bakkie!

After being the wife of a pastor for many years, I have listened to wedding ceremonies often. One thing George has repeatedly challenged young couples (and old ones too), was to make an occasion out of the usual. Don’t wait for Christmas to celebrate family being together, set a time and round everyone up – make an occasion. One of the best things to witness here at Wyndford, is families spending time, catching up, meeting up from all over the world and knowing each other again. (Of course with the added bonus that no one gets the cooking and wash up duties!)

Talking of special occasions, we are working on our ‘treat’ weekends for the year – Star gazing was amazing and great fun – despite dubious weather and the Walking with Wildflowers was fantastic! Walking with Wyndford guides is now even more entertaining as they sprout forth interesting info along the way... Although, we did wonder if Jaco was suffering from heatstroke when he radioed to say ‘Hanging’ rock was gone and must have fallen. A quick ride to the next door farm assured us that it was and is, (proof herewith) still there – so now we are wondering whether he has been leading you up the garden path…..

Ana Jones starts off the year by winning our monthly draw, congratulations and we look forward to welcoming you!

Our Coffee Room and Salon, went into action over Christmas and New Year. Up the green stairs into a WiFi world with Cappuccino or massage...

One little chap found waiting for midnight tiresome, but 2013 arrived amidst much singing and joy! We wish you all a wonderful year full of good surprises and special memories, hopefully some of which will be made at Wyndford!

Greetings from us all
The Wyndford Team