December seems to have snuck up quickly this year. As I write this I am aware that there are only 3 weeks to Christmas and before we blink it will be 2012.
Last night we had our first good rain, 30mm of welcome relief - the grass and gardens were beginning to gasp. We are having a harvest thanksgiving service in our church this weekend – and are excited about our fruit crop! 130 bottles of apricot jam – from one tree! and still going…..
I read recently that Goose used to be the bird of choice at Christmas before Turkey became popular, not surprising consider the way ours multiply. Anyone who would like a goose, please just let us know, they make excellent watch ‘dogs’ (gooses doesn’t sound quite right). We are also pleased to announce that we have four ducklings this year - all doing well. We have two new angora rabbits – no names (officially) but each child that visits ‘names’ them, so they have more names than the king of England, we just don’t know what they are! They are well settled and obviously happy in their new bunny bungalows as we have had a dozen healthy babies in the last two months. (Anyone thinking ahead to Easter….)
Talking about thinking ahead, we have an exciting calendar for next year. Starting with a (limited edition) art weekend on the 20 – 22nd January 2012. Local artist Nadja Steil will be running a ‘ten guests only’ art class. Many good artists abound in this area but, her equestrian pictures are some of the most beautiful. So dust off your paint brush or just come along and learn something new. If there is no artist in you – surprise someone who would like this experience!
We also have exciting Stargazing weekends with Joyce and Robert Faltermeier planned and a not to be missed ‘Walking with Wild flowers’ weekend with Dr Ashley Nicholas in November. Many trips are planned for those who do not want to negotiate the roads themselves. We will have the full programme on our ‘soon to be uploaded’ new website so keep looking…
Father Christmas has been notified that there are children at Wyndford and the chimney has been cleaned….wonder if he will use it or come by tractor this year? Decorations are organized, menus are planned and everyone is ready to give you a warm Wyndford welcome this festive season. (Feeling frazzled and not yet made plans – give the girls in the office a call to see if we can fit you in sometime!)
George and I have just completed a 3000km road trip round South Africa and encountered some of our best and worst roads! We share with you a sign seen in the Karoo - when I once again yelled ‘stop, picture…’ - and wish you safe travels and happy holidays.
From us all at Wyndford
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