The Eastern Free State is showing its colours and temperatures! Definitely going down…..having said a fond farewell to all sandals for the year we are definitely into boots weather.
Pork chop arrived this week to inspect his new abode. A little daunting to see a 350kg pig start to eat his way into the bark of the nearest tree in the paddock. It took three men behind him to ‘persuade’ him in the right direction, but he has since taken to more pigly pastimes and is now just wallowing in his pen. He is more wirey and hairy than expected – ok, so there is still some city girl in me – I thought all pigs were pink and soft.
Our Peacocks are well settled in and amble around the farm together. Seeing they come with built in crowns we decided that they required equally regal names so Victoria and Albert they are!
The horses had a moment of madness yesterday and all decided to make a break for it. Gallop-a-trot down the drive towards the church, even the timid ones were sneaking a quick nibble on the church lawn. I promise you that horses can look guilty!
Driving down to Durban last weekend for the AA Accommodation Awards dinner there was an excitement about the possibility of winning but alas, Wyndford is a bridesmaid once again. They do have lists of winners on the website http://www.accommodationawards.co.za/ for anyone interested. I drove home singing along with Queen and Elton John ….The show must go on! (Glad there was no-one else in the car with me…) Be assured that we always try our best to ensure that your holiday, however long or short, will always be of the highest standard and hopefully a memory making occasion!
Our festive football games room is complete with new fooseball (soccer with sticks…?!) machine and all 32 flags of the world cup. I think we might offer a prize to the person who can stand in the middle of the room and tell us all 32 flags and countries……none of us are there yet! There is something about waving a flag that lifts the spirits…on the way up to the games room with our SA flag there were shouts of Bafana Bafana from all around the farm and putting up the flags was one of the most enjoyable (and noisy….everybody has an opinion on who will win!) tasks undertaken.
Seen above is a very special picture Shane took in the trees outside reception. We have repeatedly heard the African Wood Owls talking to each other at night but have not seen one. This chap spent an hour or so with us allowing his photo to be taken from each and every angle! A very exciting sighting indeed!!
To all oldies, who missed their discounts in June/ July holidays watch for a special in the near future…having said that, oldies still qualify for the 20% four nights or longer discount so round up the kids and grandkids and join us. Remember, if you are visiting us in the winter months, remember to bring your passports just in case it decides to snow up in the mountains.
I was told last time that I was getting my games muddled, red carded, sidelined…maybe I should stick to something I know and say …Book soon for June July holidays if you do not want to be caught in the deep…
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
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