One benefit of the terrible fires over the winter, is that the Eastern Free State is now wonderfully green, combine that with the sandstone colours and it is rather spectacular. (Add a few puffy white clouds and clear blue skies and you have a photographer’s dream!) Recent guests visiting the area for the first time were amazed at how beautiful it is!
We have A Duckling…long may she last! As you probably know our ducks are not the best parents. The geese on the other hand are thriving as usual. We have three new pigs… unfortunately Pork chop and his lady are so large ne’er the twain shall meet, so no piglets forthcoming. Dandy has been having riding lessons (yes even horses have to learn!) and will soon be confident enough to take the next generation of Wyndford cowboys and girls up and down the drive.
We are still working on the additional bicycle route up the top of what used to be the Mast. George and I have recently joined the cycling conclave, right at the bottom of the pile (there could be a pun in there)…. I now understand why cycle pants are padded. I must say I prefer down hills and slight bends and do not do sharp corners! It is the only sport we can manage together and I tend to giggle all the way, presumably that will stop once the nerves are overcome!
After watching on in panic recently, while Shane enthusiastically removed a Puff Adder who had wondered in, we decided that for all of our peace of mind, it would be great for him to go on a training course. Up to Johannesburg he went, and spent the day learning about identifying, treatment and handling venomous snakes. He came back with great respect for the snake and a more cautious and educated approach. For those of you who have walked with him, yes, he does still look under all the rocks…
Information overload, could be one way to describe my month of traveling! Learning by osmosis... seeing how various establishments operate, present food, host people, make beds, market themselves...and more. My head is brimming with ideas and as well as points to be aware of. Watching people was another interesting observation, to see how people are living today and what a 'holiday' means, and then hopefully we can provide a better service. Of course there are also the simple lessons like 'do not try to apply permanent lip colour on a London tube or while driving on some South African roads...'
Talking of roads, after doing nearly 3300 kms round South Africa we can report that there are road works with holding periods all over. They are still busy with the Villiers Frankfort section from Joburg as well as the section through Golden Gate over Oliviershoek Pass road past Sterkfontein Dam. Delays also from Rouxville to Ladybrand in the Free State.
It is hard to believe that we are nearly at December. The time of year to chill out with family and friends and regroup. If you have not planned anything yet, there is still some availability – take a few days out to give Moms a ‘cooking free’ holiday, kids a ‘free range’ holiday and dads a …well there is the bicycle route, a great book from the library, lots of good food…..
Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing many of you shortly
Stay well, best regards from
The Wyndford Team
PS Since writing, we have become the proud owners of 10 strapping new quackers, who make our old ducks look like featherweights!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Information overload, could be one way to describe my month of travelling! Learning by osmosis..seeing how various establishments operate, present food, host people, make beds, market themselves...and more. My head is brimming with ideas and as well as points to be aware of. Watching people was another interesting observation, to see how people are living today and what a 'holiday' means, and then hopefully we can provide a better service. Of course there are also the simple lessons like ' do not try to apply permanent lip colour on a London tube or a South African road...' Signing off until next time!
little late on the blogging front lately...
We have two large family groups just arrived. It is such a delight to see little cousins from other ends of the world getting to know one another and having fun. Wyndford has always been a great place for family. There is also something about a horse that is special, long before we see Maluti or Dusty come into view down the driveway we can hear the busy chatter of little voices, when even the quietest of children seem to be empowered and enthralled by the gentle sway of what would seem to them to be a very large animal. We have seen many cowboys in the making.
The Red Chested Cuckoo (or Piet-my-vrou) has been heard and seen and we are pleased to announce that we have had 8mm rain last night. Good to start slow as the walking trails are very dusty and would be washed away if we had too much in one go. We have worked on the bicycle trail and made it easier (?) to ride – not quite a double highway but apparently a good ride, difficult and technical but not extreme, according to guests.
If you are coming down to us from Joburg areas, the Villiers route is under (proper!) construction and not just sand filling the holes. There are three holding points between Villiers and Frankfort which could take you up to 30 minutes to travel. If however you are fortunate with your timing, as I was last week, you can slip through with no delays at all. This route is fine during the day but would maybe recommend the Warden Bethlehem route if you are traveling at night.
Good news to report on the water front! After four tries and 120 metres, we struck water and now have a borehole, which George reported this morning filled the tanks in one hour, We walked through the trees at the tanks and had our first sips of crystal clear wonderful Wyndford water, straight out the pipe!
Family news.. we have 10 little yellow goslings (and counting!) Angelique, Celvin and Cassidy are back from leave and Shane and Patricia are planning a special time in Durban for her birthday celebrations in November. Lindy is on her way to England to visit Josh and Kirsty and hopefully to be there when Kirsty gets her pilots license. Minei is off to Bloemfontein to pursue a career with the Foshini Group, where we wish her well but note that the staff table will be a little less raucous from now on…
It seems like the year is running away and it is nearly Christmas…Don’t leave it too late to plan for the revitalizing break after a year well done.
The Red Chested Cuckoo (or Piet-my-vrou) has been heard and seen and we are pleased to announce that we have had 8mm rain last night. Good to start slow as the walking trails are very dusty and would be washed away if we had too much in one go. We have worked on the bicycle trail and made it easier (?) to ride – not quite a double highway but apparently a good ride, difficult and technical but not extreme, according to guests.
If you are coming down to us from Joburg areas, the Villiers route is under (proper!) construction and not just sand filling the holes. There are three holding points between Villiers and Frankfort which could take you up to 30 minutes to travel. If however you are fortunate with your timing, as I was last week, you can slip through with no delays at all. This route is fine during the day but would maybe recommend the Warden Bethlehem route if you are traveling at night.
Good news to report on the water front! After four tries and 120 metres, we struck water and now have a borehole, which George reported this morning filled the tanks in one hour, We walked through the trees at the tanks and had our first sips of crystal clear wonderful Wyndford water, straight out the pipe!
Family news.. we have 10 little yellow goslings (and counting!) Angelique, Celvin and Cassidy are back from leave and Shane and Patricia are planning a special time in Durban for her birthday celebrations in November. Lindy is on her way to England to visit Josh and Kirsty and hopefully to be there when Kirsty gets her pilots license. Minei is off to Bloemfontein to pursue a career with the Foshini Group, where we wish her well but note that the staff table will be a little less raucous from now on…
It seems like the year is running away and it is nearly Christmas…Don’t leave it too late to plan for the revitalizing break after a year well done.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Travelling to Wyndford
Just a quick update....
Travelling from Joburg the Villiers /Frankfort / Reitz road is at present being fixed (at long last). There are three stages where there are holding and waiting sections which will add about half and hour onto your trip. Other than that the route seems to be OK. Warden is still an option if you prefer. Travel safe!
Travelling from Joburg the Villiers /Frankfort / Reitz road is at present being fixed (at long last). There are three stages where there are holding and waiting sections which will add about half and hour onto your trip. Other than that the route seems to be OK. Warden is still an option if you prefer. Travel safe!
Friday, August 27, 2010
It has taken a little while of living in the Eastern Free State to not struggle with the brownness and dust but rather to come to appreciate the many shades of gold and orange that adorn the fields at the moment. Farmers are busy harvesting, and we see combine harvesters (‘gander ganders’ according to my kids from the time they were tiny….) loping up and down the fields and then spitting out tons of pale yellow pips. Well, we had our first ride on a ‘gander gander’ this week with Minei as she harvested mielies on her father’s farm, what a great experience! The buck along with their partners in crime, Albert and Victoria, the peacocks are eating all the spring seedlings and bulbs. Already some of the fruit trees are budding - far too early as we haven’t begun pruning yet! Even Charlotte, the tortoise has been popping in and out of hibernation…
We already have three new calves, all Quella’s babies, very beautiful and chocolate brown in colour, duly named Cadbury, Mousse and Brownie! Shane carried Mousse up to the top paddock on her second day and discovered that she is quite a weight and although very small still packs a kick! He also graduated to a slightly larger new camera case after he was unceremoniously relocated by little Moo (who should I suppose now be called medium Moo)! (The camera survived – not sure about Shane’s ego)
We have at last managed to find the leak in the duck pond, which means they now no longer have to stand in line for a chance at ‘the’ puddle… but can actually swim once more albeit with floating ice bergs the last few mornings. The weather has been beautiful, very cold in the mornings and warm in the middle of the day, still no sign of snow, but the ski slopes have a good run going with their snow machines. (Remember to bring your passports if you are thinking of going through to Lesotho - temporary passports are not allowed)
I would not claim in any way to be a gardener but we are very excited about our discovery in the veggie garden…We have managed to keep our coriander, parsley, lettuce and a few other things going amid the severe frosts by nesting them in the hay we feed the horses. This has obviously kept them warm and protected and wonderful to still be picking fresh things from the garden. It does however come with other problems, like last week when the horses escaped and we found them munching away in the veggie patch……nothing like a midnight roundup to warm one up and ensure you sleep well at night!
We also said a warm Wyndford welcome to baby Cassidy who arrived on World Cup Final day, having slid under the radar a full two weeks earlier than expected. A tiny little dot at just under 3kg with a light dusting of brown hair who already upsets all Angelique’s precise planning and is the apple of Dad’s eye! Life has forever changed in the Woolmore residence….
Football is still a hot topic here although the World Cup has come and gone we now boast a Wyndford Team…I spent an hour and a half waiting for kick off yesterday (definitely on African time….) or maybe things were just delayed due to the opposition being the team from Home Affairs!!
It is nearly time to close the bowling green for its annual makeover - (Ponty gets pedicures and the bowling green gets a makeover…I’m definitely missing a trick here) and before we know it, it will be Spring.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards
the Wyndford Team
We already have three new calves, all Quella’s babies, very beautiful and chocolate brown in colour, duly named Cadbury, Mousse and Brownie! Shane carried Mousse up to the top paddock on her second day and discovered that she is quite a weight and although very small still packs a kick! He also graduated to a slightly larger new camera case after he was unceremoniously relocated by little Moo (who should I suppose now be called medium Moo)! (The camera survived – not sure about Shane’s ego)
We have at last managed to find the leak in the duck pond, which means they now no longer have to stand in line for a chance at ‘the’ puddle… but can actually swim once more albeit with floating ice bergs the last few mornings. The weather has been beautiful, very cold in the mornings and warm in the middle of the day, still no sign of snow, but the ski slopes have a good run going with their snow machines. (Remember to bring your passports if you are thinking of going through to Lesotho - temporary passports are not allowed)
I would not claim in any way to be a gardener but we are very excited about our discovery in the veggie garden…We have managed to keep our coriander, parsley, lettuce and a few other things going amid the severe frosts by nesting them in the hay we feed the horses. This has obviously kept them warm and protected and wonderful to still be picking fresh things from the garden. It does however come with other problems, like last week when the horses escaped and we found them munching away in the veggie patch……nothing like a midnight roundup to warm one up and ensure you sleep well at night!
We also said a warm Wyndford welcome to baby Cassidy who arrived on World Cup Final day, having slid under the radar a full two weeks earlier than expected. A tiny little dot at just under 3kg with a light dusting of brown hair who already upsets all Angelique’s precise planning and is the apple of Dad’s eye! Life has forever changed in the Woolmore residence….
Football is still a hot topic here although the World Cup has come and gone we now boast a Wyndford Team…I spent an hour and a half waiting for kick off yesterday (definitely on African time….) or maybe things were just delayed due to the opposition being the team from Home Affairs!!
It is nearly time to close the bowling green for its annual makeover - (Ponty gets pedicures and the bowling green gets a makeover…I’m definitely missing a trick here) and before we know it, it will be Spring.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards
the Wyndford Team
Monday, July 12, 2010
Someone left the fridge door open this morning...Temperatures have taken a dive but as yet still no snow to be seen on the Maluti Mountains. In one household at Wyndford, temperatures were of no consequence as other more important events were occuring. Celvin and Angeliques baby girl arrived on Sunday at lunch time. Mother, Baby (and Dad) are all doing well.
Remember this coming weekend 16 - 18 July 2010 special....all adults receive a 30% discount (yes that means everyone from 13 to 130!) so as is said, Just do it!!
We look forward to hearing from you soon
Stay well and warm
from the Wyndford Team
Remember this coming weekend 16 - 18 July 2010 special....all adults receive a 30% discount (yes that means everyone from 13 to 130!) so as is said, Just do it!!
We look forward to hearing from you soon
Stay well and warm
from the Wyndford Team
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Still no snow that we can see ... but beautiful days. Just one more week of the World Cup and holidays, we trust all our guests have had a great time at Wyndford. Fun was had down at Ibis Gorge as the tractor took everyone down to go agate hunting in the river and a group are just back from abseiling. Remember our post world cup special running for the weekend of the 16th - 18th July 2010 where all adults get a 30% discount. Come and join us for some great walks, or just a little peace and r&r!
Until then, stay well and Warm!
Until then, stay well and Warm!
Monday, June 28, 2010

Crispy, is a good way to describe Wyndford at the moment…The grass is brown and crunchy, the leaves brittle and falling - great fun actually once they have been raked into a pile! Trees are standing bare and quiet and the fence poles are topped with frost each morning. (Dodge has been seen lying early morning covered in a layer of frost making ‘snow angels’ – heaven on earth for a Husky!) It is also fun to see how a few flurries of snow around the farm can bring people out from warm firesides twirling with glee (whatever their age)! These pictures show how different and special each season at Wyndford is.…
Fire is always a worry at this time of year, especially when due to the good rains in summer the grass is standing near as tall as me. Last week we were alerted to a crackling red rim all round us as the top of the mountain burned brightly. Fortunately there was not a breath of wind and although the blackened ground is not great, the threat to Wyndford has now considerably lessened.
I am pleased to say that I am not the only one surprised by Pork Chop… I don’t feel quite so much like a city girl anymore. So here we introduce him, (the Big one) next to a horse which gives you some idea of his size, having said that, he still needs to be seen to be believed!
We had a very festive braai with everybody in the Shed for the Bafana match, unfortunately all our shouting didn’t seem to make a difference! On a quiet day recently, we decided to show our staff that there are other games besides football, and we played foozeball, table tennis and snooker and then took them all outside and taught them how to play bowls. With much hilarity and competition, but with very little expertise, we decided this sport only takes one roll to make people lean either to the left or to the right!
Our winner of a two night mid week stay for two is Val Chilcott. We look forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford.
♫ Music to your ears (and wallets)…….
We are offering a special discount of 30% for all adults (you don’t have to be a golden oldie to qualify for this one) for the weekend of 16 – 18 July. This would require a two night stay. So, round up friends and family and take a much needed ‘post match’ break – but be sure to call soon to avoid disappointment. ♫
Waiting to hear from you
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Fire is always a worry at this time of year, especially when due to the good rains in summer the grass is standing near as tall as me. Last week we were alerted to a crackling red rim all round us as the top of the mountain burned brightly. Fortunately there was not a breath of wind and although the blackened ground is not great, the threat to Wyndford has now considerably lessened.
I am pleased to say that I am not the only one surprised by Pork Chop… I don’t feel quite so much like a city girl anymore. So here we introduce him, (the Big one) next to a horse which gives you some idea of his size, having said that, he still needs to be seen to be believed!
We had a very festive braai with everybody in the Shed for the Bafana match, unfortunately all our shouting didn’t seem to make a difference! On a quiet day recently, we decided to show our staff that there are other games besides football, and we played foozeball, table tennis and snooker and then took them all outside and taught them how to play bowls. With much hilarity and competition, but with very little expertise, we decided this sport only takes one roll to make people lean either to the left or to the right!
Our winner of a two night mid week stay for two is Val Chilcott. We look forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford.
♫ Music to your ears (and wallets)…….
We are offering a special discount of 30% for all adults (you don’t have to be a golden oldie to qualify for this one) for the weekend of 16 – 18 July. This would require a two night stay. So, round up friends and family and take a much needed ‘post match’ break – but be sure to call soon to avoid disappointment. ♫
Waiting to hear from you
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Monday, May 31, 2010
Reminder for those visiting Wyndford in the winter holidays...
Remember to bring your passports with if you are planning to go into Lesotho, especially if it snows any time soon.....

The Eastern Free State is showing its colours and temperatures! Definitely going down…..having said a fond farewell to all sandals for the year we are definitely into boots weather.
Pork chop arrived this week to inspect his new abode. A little daunting to see a 350kg pig start to eat his way into the bark of the nearest tree in the paddock. It took three men behind him to ‘persuade’ him in the right direction, but he has since taken to more pigly pastimes and is now just wallowing in his pen. He is more wirey and hairy than expected – ok, so there is still some city girl in me – I thought all pigs were pink and soft.
Our Peacocks are well settled in and amble around the farm together. Seeing they come with built in crowns we decided that they required equally regal names so Victoria and Albert they are!
The horses had a moment of madness yesterday and all decided to make a break for it. Gallop-a-trot down the drive towards the church, even the timid ones were sneaking a quick nibble on the church lawn. I promise you that horses can look guilty!
Driving down to Durban last weekend for the AA Accommodation Awards dinner there was an excitement about the possibility of winning but alas, Wyndford is a bridesmaid once again. They do have lists of winners on the website for anyone interested. I drove home singing along with Queen and Elton John ….The show must go on! (Glad there was no-one else in the car with me…) Be assured that we always try our best to ensure that your holiday, however long or short, will always be of the highest standard and hopefully a memory making occasion!
Our festive football games room is complete with new fooseball (soccer with sticks…?!) machine and all 32 flags of the world cup. I think we might offer a prize to the person who can stand in the middle of the room and tell us all 32 flags and countries……none of us are there yet! There is something about waving a flag that lifts the spirits…on the way up to the games room with our SA flag there were shouts of Bafana Bafana from all around the farm and putting up the flags was one of the most enjoyable (and noisy….everybody has an opinion on who will win!) tasks undertaken.
Seen above is a very special picture Shane took in the trees outside reception. We have repeatedly heard the African Wood Owls talking to each other at night but have not seen one. This chap spent an hour or so with us allowing his photo to be taken from each and every angle! A very exciting sighting indeed!!
To all oldies, who missed their discounts in June/ July holidays watch for a special in the near future…having said that, oldies still qualify for the 20% four nights or longer discount so round up the kids and grandkids and join us. Remember, if you are visiting us in the winter months, remember to bring your passports just in case it decides to snow up in the mountains.
I was told last time that I was getting my games muddled, red carded, sidelined…maybe I should stick to something I know and say …Book soon for June July holidays if you do not want to be caught in the deep…
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well and warm,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Having had so much rain in the last little while, the Eastern Free State is looking particularly pretty as everything is green and lush and the leaves are painting a palette of gold as autumn arrives. The morning and evening temperatures have dropped and a jersey is definitely required (even Shane arrived so attired one morning this week!) Crisp fresh mornings but still getting up to the mid 20’s during the day with clear bright blue skies – all adds up to being great for walking and photography!
This season has been a delicious veggie garden year. We have had our own broccoli, cauliflowers, rocket, gems, and yellow tomatoes, to name a few as well as pumpkins by the score! (14 of which grew ‘by mistake’ in the church garden!) Tonight’s pudding is raspberry cheesecake with our home grown raspberries!
It would appear that the adoption of the peacock and his lady will go ahead as they have so far behaved with aplomb. After the first day of freedom to roam the garden, Lucas and Shane spent an eventful half hour directing them into the pen with the ducks and geese for the night and now if we can’t find them in the garden late afternoon they have taken themselves off home! They have inspected the reception and the games room - not their favorite place – tiled floors and claws are not very elegant to negotiate!! Any suggestion for names will be duly considered…
We have another prospective member to the family coming soon in the form of ….. Pork Chop. He is a 350kg pig belonging to a local farmer’s wife and we agreed to take him over in exchange for a bunny.. (or two) We are now busy building a pig pen at the bottom of the paddock as his new accommodation.
Talking of accommodation, we have recently renovated Outlook’s bathroom – into a shower room. With the rich additions of kelims on the floor and a few other tweaks, this room is still an old favourite. We also have a new look office with golden poplar which we are really enjoying.. although after the first week we had skid marks on the counter from where Wyndford (the cat) lands after jumping off the cupboard. Pictured above negotiating the top of the tennis court fence – heights are not an issue!
Our winner of a two night mid week stay for two is Suzanne Maritz. We look forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford.
Soccer fever passes us by a little here in the country, but with so few days left to the World Cup kick off and the wonderful school holidays, we still have some availability over June and July. Eskom and DSTV withstanding we should be able to enjoy all the excitement from afar! Don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be side lined (or is that rugby?!)!
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
This season has been a delicious veggie garden year. We have had our own broccoli, cauliflowers, rocket, gems, and yellow tomatoes, to name a few as well as pumpkins by the score! (14 of which grew ‘by mistake’ in the church garden!) Tonight’s pudding is raspberry cheesecake with our home grown raspberries!
It would appear that the adoption of the peacock and his lady will go ahead as they have so far behaved with aplomb. After the first day of freedom to roam the garden, Lucas and Shane spent an eventful half hour directing them into the pen with the ducks and geese for the night and now if we can’t find them in the garden late afternoon they have taken themselves off home! They have inspected the reception and the games room - not their favorite place – tiled floors and claws are not very elegant to negotiate!! Any suggestion for names will be duly considered…
We have another prospective member to the family coming soon in the form of ….. Pork Chop. He is a 350kg pig belonging to a local farmer’s wife and we agreed to take him over in exchange for a bunny.. (or two) We are now busy building a pig pen at the bottom of the paddock as his new accommodation.
Talking of accommodation, we have recently renovated Outlook’s bathroom – into a shower room. With the rich additions of kelims on the floor and a few other tweaks, this room is still an old favourite. We also have a new look office with golden poplar which we are really enjoying.. although after the first week we had skid marks on the counter from where Wyndford (the cat) lands after jumping off the cupboard. Pictured above negotiating the top of the tennis court fence – heights are not an issue!
Our winner of a two night mid week stay for two is Suzanne Maritz. We look forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford.
Soccer fever passes us by a little here in the country, but with so few days left to the World Cup kick off and the wonderful school holidays, we still have some availability over June and July. Eskom and DSTV withstanding we should be able to enjoy all the excitement from afar! Don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be side lined (or is that rugby?!)!
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Monday, April 5, 2010
March news
Maybe it’s just me, but the years seem to be going by faster and faster….here we are at March already when it seems that we just arrived in 2010!
Let me start by suggesting a new direction… as posted on our blog this morning, I have twice traveled the road to Joburg and back in the last week via Reitz, Frankfort and Villiers and it is our suggestion that the road via Warden is a better option at present.
The potholes on the section from Villiers to Frankfort have claimed many tyres and we only recommend this route should you wish to put your 4x4 to the test…. for all others, from Joburg continue on the N3 to Warden and then onto Bethlehem. Safe and happy traveling!
Looking out the window from the ‘Hub’ as I write this - the office is being given a facelift – (come to think of it, the office gets a facelift and Ponte gets regular pedicures…..I must be doing something wrong!). Anyway back to gazing out the window….it is a misty overcast day with the purple Maluti mountains in the background. George is off on the ‘twin bridges’ walk (yes, great news but rather miffed as he was informed that only long trousers from now on – no more shorts!).
We sadly have to report that Mr Squirrel has obviously decided to move on to greener (or higher) pastures as he is no longer in residence at the bottom of the road. We have acquired a peacock and peahen pair, who have spent the last few weeks becoming acquainted with all the other feathered residents who were not impressed with the new arrivals – you don’t want to know how much noise 90 chickens 10 ducks and 15 geese can make!!! We are hoping the geese and ducks will teach them where they are and are not allowed to go – otherwise the adoption will not be finalized!
Buttercup had her first baby on Wednesday – much to everyone’s surprise! We knew she was pregnant but not that it was due quite yet. We had to go up and fetch ‘Junior’ from the bicycle trail and mother and son are doing well.
Along with the hurrying year, one realizes that summer is drawing to a close. Some of the poplar trees are already turning. The roses along the bowling green have at last decided to flower (after two years of abstinence?!) and we are still waiting for the figs…….
Once again a reminder that Wyndford rates will not be inflated over the World Cup, the only difference is that the Senior Discount does not apply over this period but the 20% discount for a four night stay or longer still applies – bookings are rolling in so don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be ‘red carded’.
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Let me start by suggesting a new direction… as posted on our blog this morning, I have twice traveled the road to Joburg and back in the last week via Reitz, Frankfort and Villiers and it is our suggestion that the road via Warden is a better option at present.
The potholes on the section from Villiers to Frankfort have claimed many tyres and we only recommend this route should you wish to put your 4x4 to the test…. for all others, from Joburg continue on the N3 to Warden and then onto Bethlehem. Safe and happy traveling!
Looking out the window from the ‘Hub’ as I write this - the office is being given a facelift – (come to think of it, the office gets a facelift and Ponte gets regular pedicures…..I must be doing something wrong!). Anyway back to gazing out the window….it is a misty overcast day with the purple Maluti mountains in the background. George is off on the ‘twin bridges’ walk (yes, great news but rather miffed as he was informed that only long trousers from now on – no more shorts!).
We sadly have to report that Mr Squirrel has obviously decided to move on to greener (or higher) pastures as he is no longer in residence at the bottom of the road. We have acquired a peacock and peahen pair, who have spent the last few weeks becoming acquainted with all the other feathered residents who were not impressed with the new arrivals – you don’t want to know how much noise 90 chickens 10 ducks and 15 geese can make!!! We are hoping the geese and ducks will teach them where they are and are not allowed to go – otherwise the adoption will not be finalized!
Buttercup had her first baby on Wednesday – much to everyone’s surprise! We knew she was pregnant but not that it was due quite yet. We had to go up and fetch ‘Junior’ from the bicycle trail and mother and son are doing well.
Along with the hurrying year, one realizes that summer is drawing to a close. Some of the poplar trees are already turning. The roses along the bowling green have at last decided to flower (after two years of abstinence?!) and we are still waiting for the figs…….
Once again a reminder that Wyndford rates will not be inflated over the World Cup, the only difference is that the Senior Discount does not apply over this period but the 20% discount for a four night stay or longer still applies – bookings are rolling in so don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be ‘red carded’.
Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Direction suggestion...
Have twice travelled the road to Joburg and back in the last week via Reitz, Frankfort and Villiers it is our suggestion that the road via Warden is a better option at present.
The potholes on the section from Villiers to Frankfort have claimed many tyres and we would only recommend should you wish to put your 4 x 4 to the test....
for all others, from Joburg continue on the N3 to Warden and then onto Bethlehem.
Happy travelling
The potholes on the section from Villiers to Frankfort have claimed many tyres and we would only recommend should you wish to put your 4 x 4 to the test....
for all others, from Joburg continue on the N3 to Warden and then onto Bethlehem.
Happy travelling
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
January News

If you thought you were weary at the end of last year you were not alone…. We were beginning to think Father Christmas had forgotten us, but after a long search we discovered him asleep on the couch in the lounge! Fortunately all his gifts were safe and duly distributed to very happy children and relieved parents.
December saw us with wonderful hot weather, if very little rain, perfect for outdoor activities and fun. We did a couple of bicycle, walking, horse riding and tractor outings to Agate Bank and Ibis Gorge and congratulations go to the four year old twins who push cycled all the way there!

New Year was brought in on a high note and a few off notes but with a lot of laughs and good cheer. I think that the jury is out on whether Wyndford’s Got Talent, but don’t think any of us will be receiving a call from Simon Cowell anytime soon.
Last Saturday saw the river full enough to once again go tubing – actually it was just two brave guests and most of the Wyndford staff! A muddy good time was had by all. We have since then had wonderful rains of 28mm on a number of occasions, and the grass, trees and flowers all breathed a collective sigh of relief. As did the veggie garden, which is now (that most everyone has departed) produced the most wonderful gems, cucumbers, baby marrows, yellow tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, beetroot and two very ‘watched’ watermelons are on the way.
Talking about things on the way – Celvin and Angelique’s twinkle in their eye is now three months on as a twinkle in the tum! Not just the bunnies and ducks busy around here….
For those of you here at New year, George is making good progress after the clot in his leg (didn’t really think those magnificent legs could actually get bigger than they are) and we are just grateful he is still here. It was a great lesson in patience for him to be immobilized while we had a full house and hats off to all our staff who proved that the Wyndford Team works well.
We also have spotted a new resident at the junction of the driveway with the road to the car port…a small ground squirrel has made the gutter his home, much to the fascination of our husky, Dodge!
Wyndford rates will not be inflated over the World Cup, the only difference is that the Senior Discount does not apply over this period but the 20% discount for a four night stay or longer still applies – bookings are rolling in so don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be disappointed.
Until then, stay well, and we wish you a winning year
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
December saw us with wonderful hot weather, if very little rain, perfect for outdoor activities and fun. We did a couple of bicycle, walking, horse riding and tractor outings to Agate Bank and Ibis Gorge and congratulations go to the four year old twins who push cycled all the way there!

New Year was brought in on a high note and a few off notes but with a lot of laughs and good cheer. I think that the jury is out on whether Wyndford’s Got Talent, but don’t think any of us will be receiving a call from Simon Cowell anytime soon.
Last Saturday saw the river full enough to once again go tubing – actually it was just two brave guests and most of the Wyndford staff! A muddy good time was had by all. We have since then had wonderful rains of 28mm on a number of occasions, and the grass, trees and flowers all breathed a collective sigh of relief. As did the veggie garden, which is now (that most everyone has departed) produced the most wonderful gems, cucumbers, baby marrows, yellow tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, beetroot and two very ‘watched’ watermelons are on the way.
Talking about things on the way – Celvin and Angelique’s twinkle in their eye is now three months on as a twinkle in the tum! Not just the bunnies and ducks busy around here….
For those of you here at New year, George is making good progress after the clot in his leg (didn’t really think those magnificent legs could actually get bigger than they are) and we are just grateful he is still here. It was a great lesson in patience for him to be immobilized while we had a full house and hats off to all our staff who proved that the Wyndford Team works well.
We also have spotted a new resident at the junction of the driveway with the road to the car port…a small ground squirrel has made the gutter his home, much to the fascination of our husky, Dodge!
Wyndford rates will not be inflated over the World Cup, the only difference is that the Senior Discount does not apply over this period but the 20% discount for a four night stay or longer still applies – bookings are rolling in so don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be disappointed.
Until then, stay well, and we wish you a winning year
Best regards from the Wyndford Team
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