Yes I know it is already October but things move slowly on the farm…
While driving near Jo’burg recently and listening to the radio, it was interesting that the traffic report after the news took so long, that by the time it finished it was nearly time for the next news bulletin (yes, it was Thursday afternoon and three trucks were stuck on the van Buuren Hill – unfortunately all in different lanes!) it made me think of all our guests – past and future – living in the cities and decided that we need give you the gift of peace and quiet and space and fresh air.

This picture was taken from the top of the road to Fouriesburg and shows the fields stretching to the distant Maluti Mountains…and not a car in sight! So take a deep calming breath and inhale the space and quiet!
Spring has sprung and all is green.

We had the most beautiful display of fruit blossoms but unfortunately we also had an icy wind and for the second year in a row have lost most of our fruit. We have had some wonderful rains over the past few days – great for us and the ducks – not such fun, we know, for moms and dads with little people on holiday!
Gratefully, Celvin and Angelique are safely back from leave as we had a few interesting moments while they were gone. A devastating fire swept through the area and George, Shane and Christine were out for about 4 hours as well as Lucas and Joseph with Dermot from Camelroc on his water truck for most of the day. I just had to contend with a Basuto man who insisted he could come through the farm as he had a passport for his cow… Quella our bull in the flower garden along with Buttercup in the veggie patch….. went to fetch Ponty down from the paddock only to realize that I wasn’t sure which way on the headband (halter – that’s the word!) went on -one or two tries later we walked home with him looking at me with a very longsuffering expression on his face ….after that I collected the eggs, all 108 of them and muttered mightily about the person who built the nesting hocks deeper than arm length….fowl poop makes cow poop look good!! Needless to say all of us slept well that night.
One of our calves arrived, and has been called ‘little Moo’
– of course there is great debate as to what she will be called when she is older… least our milk supply has improved. Spinach, radish, carrots, beetroots, rocket, broccoli and cauliflower (sorry kids!) are all flourishing in the veggie patch and the roses are ready to pop into full riotous colour. You just have to love spring!
We are also pleased to inform all serious bowlers (and the not so serious) that this year the bowling green is just that! Green! Looking forward to some good friendly duals in the next few months.
Wyndford had a great long weekend with special guests and even a celebratory 60th Wedding anniversary! Can anyone beat that….
October and November (remember Cherry festival time) still has availability so take the proverbial bull by the horn and call Angelique or Patricia in the office to book your pre end of year ‘refuel’ break.
Until then, stay well, Best regards from the Wyndford Team
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