We were hoping that this newsletter might end up being the white edition with all the snow forecasts flurrying around. However to this point, it is still the sepia edition coming from the golden brown Eastern Free State. Although not my favourite season, the colours of the sandstone mountains with the golden corn rows has a specific beauty all of it’s own.

We recently woke to the sad news that our beautiful stallion Ponty had died in the night. He was a character of note, full of mischief, a magnificent ride and gentle with children. He loved doing a detour through the apple orchard, and was the only horse to have ever joined guests for tea in the summerhouse. He was much photographed and a large part of Wyndford's story, we will all miss him. On a happier note…

Imagine this…. Megg is stabled for the night. Fresh straw, food, water, teff bag… on checking that she is settled… we discover that she is in a stall with no food, no straw, no water. It needs sorting – immediately! On returning – she is in a different stall yet again – now we are starting wonder and then watch as she expertly limbo dances under the poles from stall to stall. Never a dull moment!
I have wondered how, if you are hoping to survive you might just happen to have an orange and an egg in your pocket? Well, bring the kids to join our survival and adventure weekend to find out important things like how to cook said egg in the orange - over a fire you have started from scratch. Other interesting activities and fun projects to take place over the weekend of the 18 – 20 August 2017, give us a call to find out more 0582230274 or email reception@wyndford.co.za

We have a special coming up for the 4 day period between 28 – 31 July 2017 – minimum two nights stay for a massive 40% off. Round up the family (a 40th anniversary, 4th or 40th birthdays or just for fun!)… you never know – the snow might just make an appearance! T&C’s do apply. Call us now so as not to miss this!
And then, congratulations go to Gillian Sherratt on being our monthly draw winner, we look forward to welcoming you to Wyndford for your two night stay for two.
Well, that’s all for now, we wish you warm and happy days and hope to see you soon.
Tel 0582230274 reception@wyndford.co.za

In my long running duel with the Dassies at the gate... it seems we have discovered one plant they do not like to eat!