Rambo works….. we
were worried there for a moment! Mary safely delivered Little Lamb II on Monday
and so brings our flock up to a grand total of four! Actually I always thought that lambs usually
arrived in Spring but we are very definitely into Autumn here in the Eastern
Free State. The poplars are turning
golden and the cosmos is beginning to bloom.
A photographers dream…
Looking heavenward…. Join
us on the 10 – 12 April for the Stargazing weekend with the Faltemeirers and
the possibility of some scouting tips along the way from Robert – wonderful for
the kids.
We also have a last minute
special running!
How would
you like a FREE day.....? (Yes really!) Between the 19 - 24 April BOOK for 4
nights PAY for 3!!
Call us on 058 223 074
now so as not to miss out!
We have
had a good crop of porcini mushrooms this year, adding extra flavor to meals.
Celvin continues to tweak our menu with the latest addition being basil pesto
and mozzarella filled chicken breasts coated with almond flour and parmesan
cheese – Yum!
lounge has just begun it’s overhaul, a slow process, waiting for upholstery and
curtains to be made, but exciting none the less. We are also hoping to renovate
and upgrade Crystal Palace and Den & Cabin sometime this year but more
about that later.
(our tortoise) is still out and about – so no hibernation hole as yet! In fact,
she has taken to parking on the verandah along with Dodge, our husky, and the
three cats. I did also wonder what the hail we had yesterday sounds like from
inside a tortoises shell?! Oh, ok Ponty…
he has just hurrumphed from the paddock to send his greetings to you all.
Our monthly draw winner
of a two night stay out of season for two people, Ryan Gaskin! Head off
to the website to enter on www.wyndford.co.za
and we will keep you up to date on www.facebook.com/WyndfordHolidayFarm with all the news.
Happy hugs from the
Wyndford Team!