Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Having had so much rain in the last little while, the Eastern Free State is looking particularly pretty as everything is green and lush and the leaves are painting a palette of gold as autumn arrives. The morning and evening temperatures have dropped and a jersey is definitely required (even Shane arrived so attired one morning this week!) Crisp fresh mornings but still getting up to the mid 20’s during the day with clear bright blue skies – all adds up to being great for walking and photography!

This season has been a delicious veggie garden year. We have had our own broccoli, cauliflowers, rocket, gems, and yellow tomatoes, to name a few as well as pumpkins by the score! (14 of which grew ‘by mistake’ in the church garden!) Tonight’s pudding is raspberry cheesecake with our home grown raspberries!

It would appear that the adoption of the peacock and his lady will go ahead as they have so far behaved with aplomb. After the first day of freedom to roam the garden, Lucas and Shane spent an eventful half hour directing them into the pen with the ducks and geese for the night and now if we can’t find them in the garden late afternoon they have taken themselves off home! They have inspected the reception and the games room - not their favorite place – tiled floors and claws are not very elegant to negotiate!! Any suggestion for names will be duly considered…

We have another prospective member to the family coming soon in the form of ….. Pork Chop. He is a 350kg pig belonging to a local farmer’s wife and we agreed to take him over in exchange for a bunny.. (or two) We are now busy building a pig pen at the bottom of the paddock as his new accommodation.

Talking of accommodation, we have recently renovated Outlook’s bathroom – into a shower room. With the rich additions of kelims on the floor and a few other tweaks, this room is still an old favourite. We also have a new look office with golden poplar which we are really enjoying.. although after the first week we had skid marks on the counter from where Wyndford (the cat) lands after jumping off the cupboard. Pictured above negotiating the top of the tennis court fence – heights are not an issue!

Our winner of a two night mid week stay for two is Suzanne Maritz. We look forward to being able to welcome you to Wyndford.

Soccer fever passes us by a little here in the country, but with so few days left to the World Cup kick off and the wonderful school holidays, we still have some availability over June and July. Eskom and DSTV withstanding we should be able to enjoy all the excitement from afar! Don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be side lined (or is that rugby?!)!

Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team

Monday, April 5, 2010

March news

Maybe it’s just me, but the years seem to be going by faster and faster….here we are at March already when it seems that we just arrived in 2010!

Let me start by suggesting a new direction… as posted on our blog this morning, I have twice traveled the road to Joburg and back in the last week via Reitz, Frankfort and Villiers and it is our suggestion that the road via Warden is a better option at present.

The potholes on the section from Villiers to Frankfort have claimed many tyres and we only recommend this route should you wish to put your 4x4 to the test…. for all others, from Joburg continue on the N3 to Warden and then onto Bethlehem. Safe and happy traveling!

Looking out the window from the ‘Hub’ as I write this - the office is being given a facelift – (come to think of it, the office gets a facelift and Ponte gets regular pedicures…..I must be doing something wrong!). Anyway back to gazing out the window….it is a misty overcast day with the purple Maluti mountains in the background. George is off on the ‘twin bridges’ walk (yes, great news but rather miffed as he was informed that only long trousers from now on – no more shorts!).

We sadly have to report that Mr Squirrel has obviously decided to move on to greener (or higher) pastures as he is no longer in residence at the bottom of the road. We have acquired a peacock and peahen pair, who have spent the last few weeks becoming acquainted with all the other feathered residents who were not impressed with the new arrivals – you don’t want to know how much noise 90 chickens 10 ducks and 15 geese can make!!! We are hoping the geese and ducks will teach them where they are and are not allowed to go – otherwise the adoption will not be finalized!

Buttercup had her first baby on Wednesday – much to everyone’s surprise! We knew she was pregnant but not that it was due quite yet. We had to go up and fetch ‘Junior’ from the bicycle trail and mother and son are doing well.

Along with the hurrying year, one realizes that summer is drawing to a close. Some of the poplar trees are already turning. The roses along the bowling green have at last decided to flower (after two years of abstinence?!) and we are still waiting for the figs…….

Once again a reminder that Wyndford rates will not be inflated over the World Cup, the only difference is that the Senior Discount does not apply over this period but the 20% discount for a four night stay or longer still applies – bookings are rolling in so don’t leave it too late if you do not want to be ‘red carded’.

Waiting for your call or email
Until then, stay well,
Best regards from the Wyndford Team