Thursday, August 20, 2009

Can you just picture this….Ducks freestyle skating! Yes it’s true, this morning the duck pond was frozen. I guess there is a reason we use goose and duck down for duvets! Fortunately the bunnies and horses have fur coats as we have had an exceptionally cold few weeks, with morning temperatures of -5 the norm. The days have been beautifully crisp and clear and walking in the mountains has been both a warming and stunning activity.

This morning is very quiet at Wyndford, most of our guests have gone up to Afri ski in Lesotho to have fun in the snow. Some brave and energetic folk played action cricket twice this week after dinner (a chilly occupation for spectators!) and four square was another warm favourite followed by hot chocolate and much laughter around the fire in the lounge.

Fire, great in the lounge, but a menace on the farm. This week saw us burning fire breaks (superbly aided by some energetic guests) on top by the Tortoise and the Slippery slide and down to the Mast. George, along with the border policeman and the local Chief had an indaba, a two hour session, seated in the cold, while some school boys confessed to starting fire after fire on our side. There were a few hot little bottoms after they were told to report to the cop station with their parents for a hiding! - no fires reported since!

Great news on the ongoing milk producing saga…we have three confirmed pregnant cows! All far enough along to be Bliksem’s offspring, so Quela will have to wait his turn. Buttercup and Daisy continue to grow in leaps and bounds and led all the guys a merry dance round (and out!) the paddock last week as they tried to dehorn them.

I’m afraid that spring is going to be blooming in the tummies of our three resident buck. They have eaten all our spring seedlings, and most other green things in the gardens - roses, violets and spring daisies being the most favourite. Pity one can’t train them to eat the weeds!

The shed is standing up straighter after a new coat of paint and a few tweaks including a fire place that works well. Our ‘new’ piano in the lounge has arrived and sounds fantastic – looks beautiful too! Thanks to Bruce and his assistance in getting it sorted out! – and to anyone who would like to join us for two evenings of gentle piano playing by Bruce, book for the weekend of the 31st August!

Great news for all bird enthusiasts! The Black Storks have come back to roost in Ibis Gorge. The same nests are being used as last year, along the ledge from the Bald Ibis (it would seem that they are happy to sub let their gorge) and it is wonderful to see them each afternoon gliding home, to what has to be one of the most beautiful spots on the whole farm.

The long weekend in August is fully book at present but there is plenty of availability on other weekends!
Hoping to hear from you soon
In the meantime, stay well and warm
Best regards from us all at Wyndford

PS Sarah, Zazoo the horse told me to say hello and sends you her love!